Improve Your Speech With Free Parts Of Speech Checker

Get rid of spelling issues
Fix your grammatical errors
Eliminate punctuation issues
Make your text shine!

A good informative speech should have three primary goals—accuracy, clarity, and interest. At the very least, failure to meet these parameters makes the speech less useful to the audience, and misleading, at worst. Whether you are a student, teacher, journalist, or public figure part of being accurate is ensuring that your speech is correctly structured and worded. 

Unfortunately, streamlining a speech and ensuring it is error-free can be mentally taxing, especially if English is not your first language. Luckily for you, our parts of speech identifier tool have free resources to help identify and correct a myriad of English grammar, spelling, punctuation, and structural errors. But that’s not the best part; the sentence part of speech finder is available 24/7, allowing you to edit your texts anytime irrespective of your geographical location.

Features of Our Parts of Speech in a Sentence Finder

Our parts of speech identifier is one of the most versatile tools on the market. Along with helping identify grammar-related mistakes, it also comes in handy in detecting stylistic and structural errors in your speech.

Here are some of the features that you might find useful when using our tool:

Grammar and Punctuation Checker

Grammar and punctuation mistakes can interfere with the logical flow of your speech and even make it incoherent. As such, you need to ensure that it is free from any grammatical and punctuation errors. Our part of speech finder leverages proprietary AI technology and statistical techniques to identify and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in your texts.

Verb and Adjective Finder in a Sentence

In English writing, verbs are words that convey an action, an event, or a state of being. In other words, they are words or phrases that describe what a subject in a sentence is doing. They can be inflected to encode tenses, voices, aspects, or moods. Still, verbs can agree with a number, person, or gender for some of their arguments. 

When used together with nouns, verbs can narrate a story of what took place in the past, what is taking place in the present, and what will take place in the future.
With the help of our parts of speech checker online tool, you can easily identify and correct wrong verb use, subject-verb disagreement, and inconsistent tense usage in your speech.

Nouns Finder

Nouns in speech writing are used to refer to a person, place, or thing. Generally, there are four categories of nouns, and they include;

Common nouns. These types of nouns refer to any category of person, place, or thing. In other words, when generally speaking about education you might say ‘university’.

Proper nouns. Proper nouns are used to refer to people, things, institutions, and nations. As a general rule of thumb, proper nouns should always be capitalized. 

Compound nouns. Used to refer to two or more nouns incorporated together to form a single unit. They can be formed by merging two individual words (time capsule), using a hyphen (great-grandma), or combining two words (catfood).

Collective nouns. These types of nouns are mainly used to refer to groups of animals, and they can be used in both singular and plural forms.

Our online part of speech checker can identify noun mistakes and other parts of speech in a sentence. After determining the correct noun, the parts of speech checker tool will offer the most appropriate suggestions for correction.

Pronouns Checker

Pronouns are words or phrases used in place of a noun, and they include people, animals, or inactive things. Unfortunately, picking the right pronouns and finding related mistakes in speeches and other written texts can be a major challenge. Our parts of speech in a sentence identifier help perfect pronoun usage in your speeches by highlighting the mistakes and providing the most appropriate suggestion.

Passive Voice Checker

There are two categories of sentences in English writing and speeches; active voice and passive voice. However, active voice is the most ideal and widely used option as it eliminates ambiguities in sentences. Passive voice, on the other hand, is not widely used, as it promotes the sentence’s object to the subject’s position.

Fixing passive voice in your speeches can be challenging, especially if you don’t know how sentence structure works. Luckily for you, our parts of speech sentence checker can help eliminate this error.

Plagiarism Checker

Drafting a comprehensive speech calls for a hearty investment of time. And even after that, you need to spend a significant time identifying common issues like grammatical mistakes and punctuation errors. But of all the speech writing concerns that you’ll be facing, the unethical act of plagiarism is the most difficult to tackle. On top of identifying grammar mistakes, our parts of speech online checker double as a plagiarism checker.

How to Use Our Parts of Speech Checker

Using our sentence parts of speech checker is a straightforward process. Better yet, you don’t need to register or submit your emails, so you don’t have to worry about receiving countless spam emails.

Simply follow these three easy steps:

  • Copy and paste your typed speech on the blank editor
  • Hit the “Check” button and wait for the parts of speech finder tool to analyze your speech.
  • After a few seconds, you’ll receive the ready correct text with suggestions.

Parts of a Speech

In modern linguistics, a part of speech is used to classify word categories depending on their functions in a sentence. Commonly referred to as word classes, they’re the building blocks of grammar and can be categorized into verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and much more.

Let’s briefly look at them to determine what they are all about:

Verbs as a Part of Speech

As indicated earlier, verbs are action words that describe what is happening in a sentence. Verbs can also show the state of being a subject in a sentence (is, was). Still, they can change form based on tense i.e present or past, as well as count distinction i.e plural or singular. 

Examples: dance, sing, seemed, finish, drink, eat, be, became

Common verb mistakes include:

  • Inconsistent verb usage.
  • Confusing present tense forms. 
  • Confusing past tense forms.
  • Alternating between the present and past tenses.
  • Alternating the tenses around dialogue tags
Nouns as a Part of Speech

Nouns are a person, thing, place, or idea, and they can assume multiple roles in a sentence, from the object of action to the subject. When representing an official name of someone or a place, you need to capitalize, and they include words like Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow, pirate, ship, freedom, etc.

  • Most nouns are uncountable meaning they have no plural form.
  • Failing to follow a singular noun with a singular verb.
  • Confusing plural nouns with singular nouns and vice versa.

Our noun finder in a sentence online tool can help eliminate any noun-related mistakes in your speeches.

Adjectives as a Part of Speech

Adjectives are used to modify or describe a noun or pronoun. Typically, they are used to address questions like which one, how many, and what kind, and include words such as old, blue, pretty, smart, etc.

Our adjective finder in a sentence online will come in handy in eliminating the use of double comparatives in your speech.

Adverbs as a Part of Speech

Adverbs are used to describe or modify other adverbs, verbs, or adjectives, but never nouns. They try to answer the questions of where, when, why, how, and to what extent, and they usually end in -ly.

The most common adverb mistakes include:

  • Failing to use an adverb when describing a noun.
  • Using “Only’ incorrectly- Only I hate pizza. 

Luckily, our adverb clause identifier can help catch these mistakes plus many others.

Prepositions as a Part of Speech

Prepositions are used to show temporal relations between nouns or pronouns, as well as other words in a sentence. Typically, they come at the beginning of a prepositional phrase that contains a preposition & its object. 

Examples of prepositions include up, against, over, by, into, for, apart from close to, and out of.

Common mistakes when using prepositions include:

  • Failing to use the prepositions to and of to signify ownership.
  • Failing to use the prepositions in and on describe the medium through which something is seen.
  • Confusing between the prepositions to and in when using a motion verb. 

I went to England last year.” (correct)

“I went in England last year.” (incorrect)
Along with being a noun and verb identifier, our tool also doubles as a preposition checker.

Pronouns as a Part of Speech

A pronoun is a word or phrase that’s substituted for a specific noun, which is also called an antecedent. There are different types of pronouns including;

Personal pronouns. Used to refer to specific persons or things.

Possessive pronouns. Used to indicate ownership or possession.

Reflexive pronouns. Used to emphasize a pronoun or another pronoun. 

Relative pronouns. Used to introduce subordinate clauses. 

Demonstrative pronouns. Used to nouns.

Some of the common pronoun-related mistakes that our preposition identifier can help with include;

  • Choosing the right pronouns based on the audience.
  • Failure the correct pronouns based on the formality of the situation.
  • Ensuring the pronouns agree in number with the nouns they replace.
  • Eliminating the phrases he and she when expressing general ideas.
  • Ensuring the pronouns match the type of nouns they replace.
Conjunctions and Interjections as a Part of Speech

Conjunctions are words that join two parts of a sentence together.  Interjections, on the other hand, are words used in a short exclamation.

Common conjunctions and interjection mistakes include:

  • Not all verbs are followed by the clause that.
  • Using more than one conjunction to join two clauses.
  • Failure to use what a/an before a singular countable noun.

Luckily for you, all these are mistakes that our adjective or adverb finder can help with.

Benefits of Using Part of Speech Identifier Online Tool

Many benefits come with using our parts of speech finder app. They include but are not limited to the following:


Our sentence part of speech identifier is one of the most versatile tools of its kind on the market. Not only does the speech checker improves writing but also incorporates other helpful tools including an adjective finder, adverb checker, preposition checker, verb identifier, adjective identifier, noun clause identifier, and plagiarism checker.


Unlike other tools that require you to pay, our parts of speech finder online tool comes with a free version, which lets you edit without spending a dime.

Easy To Use

Using our online part of speech identifier is as easy as it can get. Simply paste your speech on the blank editor, click check, and the tool will return results with all the mistakes highlighted.

24/7 Availability

Our part of speech finder online is cloud-hosted, making it available any time of the day.


Our online identify parts of speech checker use advanced firewalls and secure protocols, so you can rest easy knowing you are not exposing yourself to risks. Better yet,  you don’t need to submit your personal information to use our sentence checker for parts of speech.

Try our parts of speech checker today and start improving your speeches!